
Truth resides

(She is never homeless!)

in the body, in the earth

(not in the mind and tongue,

unless She springs

from Her dark well's round girth.)

She is not ours, our toy.

She is our health, the future's wealth.

Deep in the roots of hope within us,

Truth abides.


Look to the Earth!

The place to start

that centers us

is balanced ground

beneath our feet,

gyroscope a-sail in space,

mirror of Her shining face!

Each life blossoms

unique in Her,

covenant shared.

From Her living Source:

shine forth respect

for all the gifts

She gives to us.

Look to the Earth

and She will guide you,

fresh from the wellspring

(your roots deepening)

strong as rock, ever-changing,

preparing the way for growth.

Look to the earth

and She will meet your need,

and meet your eye.


The abode of the message,

the end and the start,

the question and answer

are found in the heart.

When your heart and my heart

shall beat as one,

the joy of remembrance

will shine like the sun!

© Tamara Rasmussen 2018